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Devastate; Lies of the Future


In the mid-19th century, an Englishman by the name of Charles Robert Darwin wrote a document called, “On the Origin of Species.” This document became known as foundational work for the theory of evolution. In the long term, the effect was that a gate of hell was opened during the Victorian age.

  Because of the cultural norms of the day, the general tactic of the Body Christ was to ignore the problem instead of meeting it head-on and addressing the issue. This head-in-the-sand strategy effectively guaranteed millions of youth would be defenseless against this doctrine. Sweeping them off to various demonic teachings as the decades progressed.

  This one doctrine changed the course of Western civilization in profound ways and continued the divide that started in the Renaissance era between science and the spiritual. The elders in the Body were effectively weaponless against the Lukewarm evidence of the day. Because of this attitude, they resorted to simple pat answers like, “Because God said so.” Although at the core accurate, the answer was devoid of anything truly helpful. Unfortunately, after 150 years, and a growing body of evidence, the Body of Christ is only slightly more equipped to deal with the questions than they were in 1859, and that is sad. 

  But now another storm is coming to devastate the spiritual landscape. It’s a bigger, stronger giant than evolution ever was and I fear that the Body is even less equipped to deal with the issue. If you’re wondering what it is all you need to do is look at the internet or your local news source. Right now the powers that be are starting to push the UFO/Alien storylines. Almost every corner is speaking of it at some level, from congressional hearings to local news stories. It’s true some of this is a distraction, to keep people’s eyes away from dangerous threats like the Hamas invasion. But this is still a serious matter.

  Regardless of what you or I may think on this issue does not matter. What matters is that this issue is coming and much of the youth have already been pre-programmed to accept this news.

Why am I bringing this up?

  Several years ago I realized that people will read a story quicker than they will a teaching. Maybe that’s one of the reasons Jesus did so many stories. If you can take a measure of truth and place it inside a good story, people will remember it. As a result, I started writing a Christian Science Fiction series called, The Legacy Continuum. Its purpose is to not give you a set of step-by-step instructions, or a list of answers. But to provide some talking points, to get the conversation of aliens, demonic visitors and such going. 

  I know of several parents who have read it and pasted if off to their kids. It is family-friendly and thought-provoking with a few cliffhangers. This series starts off in the present day and moves forward with real-world family issues that must be worked out. While at the same time dealing with the Alien agenda.

  To help make this series valuable and diverse, we have recruited two other authors who are now writing books that connect to the main storyline. As a result, we now have the rough drafts of over 20 books. And who knows, the Lord may bring on board other authors in the future.

But I digress

  With the US Government now coming out admitting to recovered craft, alien bodies, and more. It’s just a matter of time before official announcements and disclosure of “new truths” of human origins. What new truths you ask? In one form or another, the story will be pushed that the human race was “created or managed” by an outside Alien civilization. 

  The purpose of this is to divert people away from a lie. Keeping them away from the one who truly made them and his son who saved us. Before the world’s eyes, another Jesus will present a new gospel of salvation in a new form.

  This will be the new devastation that will rage in the Body of Christ. When the youth and many adults will be able to see ships and aliens live on the TV or the internet. Then a world, tired of war will be ready, and a great falling away will really start taking place.

  1. What will you do about it?

  2. What will your answer be when asked?

  3. What if your employer tells you that your “beliefs are hostile” to the new order of things?

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