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In The Land of My Sojourn

In The Land of My Sojourn

The Body of Christ is going through a transition, can you feel it?

 I have seen several prophetic streams within the Body of Christ flip and flop like a fish on a dock as they ‘adjust’ their prophetic words to fit the 2019-2020 season. Now so many are rushing forward at break-neck speed to jump on board the Patriot wagon. All of this makes me quietly ask the simple question, “When did the Prophetic community abdicate their responsibility and become nothing more than ‘prophetic news commentators and “yes-men”?

  We have been in the land of plenty for a long time, and the hard work of previous generations now rolls down to us. The fact is we did not build it, we inherited it, and therefore by extension, we do not fully comprehend the cost. We can read about it and study it, but there is no substitute unfortunately for first-hand experience.

  We have, for a few years now enjoyed the ‘plenty’ as the storms of darkness quietly rolled in, applying layers of complacency and tolerance ‘at any cost’ within the Body and social conditioning within the world at large. 

  This is partly due to the sociological manipulation of Social Media platforms like FaceBook and Twitter and partly due to laziness within Christ’s Community.

  Much like the ‘Shadow’ of the coming storm that was so prophetic in the Lord of the Rings movies. Greater darkness has now gathered at the gates of our world, but so few perceive it. This simply is a known Biblical fact from the book of Revelation, unless you’re a part of the growing deception that seeks to castrate God’s word by nullifying this book which is so popular nowadays.

   Current social programming, both within the Body and without has done an effective job of disconnecting us from knowledge of who we are in Christ as well as our history. Historically, the Body of Christ was always at its strongest during persecution. When its purpose becomes suddenly and sharply defined before its eyes.

  So much so, that few now understand that this is one of the ways God deals with his Body when they have become complacent, is to shake us awake!

  All these things both good and bad that have unfolded have been used by the Lord to start waking up his kids. Many who have seen their places of worship close, restricted, or compromised are now looking at it either through self-righteous anger or pondering if the Lord just used this event to send us all a message.

  This is partly due to Mark Taylor’s message, exposing the Tax deductible church status of 501C3 for what it is. The reality is by accepting this Tax status you have quietly come under the hidden headship of not only the Government but by extension the Vatican as well. And that is just not acceptable when your headship should be Christ.

  So, one by one the layers of what we thought this world was is slowly getting stripped, painfully away from our eyes. And depending on how hard you look you find the darkness is far deeper and more vile than most would have imagined. 

  For anyone who has done a measure of traveling, got out away from mesmerizing city lights, and enjoyed the simplicity of creation. Enjoying the painted hues of green, blue, yellows, and browns of the Canyons, forests, Prairies, or wild waves of a sea storm. These things understandably can make a person feel like they are standing in paradise.

  But we are not, as loud as the subdued voice of nature is. It is nothing but a symbolic shadow of a greater world yet to come. I had a couple of spiritual experiences, long ago that demonstrated to me just how expansive it could be. One such experience left me in a bit of a state of wonder for a couple of days. I attempted to explain what I saw and felt to a handful of people and quickly realized two things. One was that the words I could use failed to communicate my emotions and thoughts. The second was the blank look on everyone’s faces I soon learned that this was something you had to experience to understand.

  Basically, in the simplest of terms… everything had a voice and there was NOTHING hidden or silent. All the little things we take for granted in that we would never share in a group were fully known as the colors around us reacted. 

  This other world…well how shall I say it. Is far more appealing and dripping with wonder than what we stand in today. 

  Once we get re-born here by Christ’s blood we really are a child of two worlds. We have duties and responsibilities as given out by the King, but all the while our hearts are longing for our home as the new creation within us is totally alien.

  This land is the land of our Sojourn, we inhabit it, we laugh, cry and provide for the family, but in the end, a greater home awaits. In our time here the Lord slowly refines our  nature (unless we fight him) so that, as it says in Romans 8, “For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son…” NASB

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