By Robert A. Foster
  • 1. Ever feel like there is a change on the horizon?   
  • 2. And it feels like a mixture of excitement and dread? 
  • 3. Do you feel conflicted because you can not figure out if the change is good or bad?
  • 4. What if you are trying to divide something that was not meant to be divided?
  • 5. What if it’s something good that will cause pain, kinda like ripping a band-aid off?

  You try to put it out of your mind, but it’s still there and it feels like it getting closer with every breath. You’re not alone, you are not crazy this is not a bad dream but a growing reality that has been on the horizon for a long time. 

  “But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. Eph 5:13.” This world has more darkness in it than most people realize. In fact, even those who are awake and watching do not realize the full extent of the darkness this world has fallen into. 

   But the reality is, it does not matter how much you think you are awake. What is coming is going jar us all.

  “On that day messengers will go out from me in ships to frighten Cush out of her complacency. Anguish will take hold of them on the day of Egypt’s doom, for it is sure to come. Ezekiel 30:9” This scripture is about to come true in a big way, and the reality is to the degree that you hold on to darkness, is the degree you will be shaken.

  For those who have swam in the pools of Satanic filth, and the cesspools of perversion, who became excited at the evil their fingers have done… this will hurt them the most. As a result, there will be moments in the near future when this world will seem like insanity is now King. These angry, near-insane people are the ones who will not like it when so many get arrested, jailed, and stand before the military courts for their acts of treason and crimes against humanity. Churches, ministries, government, and entertainment companies will be rocked or folded outright.

  But for the rest of us, this will be our bubble of Hope, a chance to breathe the fresh air once again. So let’s not squander it. This bubble will last as long as people remain diligent in seeking the Lord and not allowing the filth to re-enter our schools, places of worship, and government.

  Change is in your hands.

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